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National Bureau of Statistics: The national economy is recovering and improving

2024-05-24 16:21:42
 In April, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with comrade xi for the core, the regional departments earnestly implement the CPC Central Committee and the State Council decision deployment, always adhere to seek improvement in stability work tone, complete, accurate, fully implement the new development concept, speed up the construction of new development pattern, solid promote high quality development, increase the intensity of macro policy implementation, steady growth, production demand overall positive employment prices, social expectations continue to improve, high quality development made solid progress, overall stable national economy operation, continued rebound positive momentum.
1. Industrial production accelerated, and equipment manufacturing and high-tech manufacturing grew rapidly

In April, the industrial added value above designated size increased by 6.7% year on year, 2.2 percentage points faster than last month; with a month-on-month growth of 0.97%. In the three categories, the added value of mining increased by 2.0% year on year, manufacturing by 7.5%, and the production and supply of electricity, heat, gas and water by 5.8%. The added value of equipment manufacturing increased by 9.9%, 3.9 percentage points faster than last month; the value added of high-tech manufacturing increased by 11.3%, 3.7 percentage points faster. By economic type, the added value of state-owned holding enterprises increased by 5.4%, joint-stock enterprises by 6.9%, foreign enterprises from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan by 6.2%, and private enterprises by 6.3%. By product, the output of 3D printing equipment, new energy vehicles and integrated circuit products increased by 55.0%, 39.2% and 31.9%, respectively. From January to April, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 6.3% year on year, 0.2 percentage points faster than that in January to March. In April, the manufacturing purchasing managers' index stood at 50.4 percent, and the forecast index for corporate production and business activities stood at 55.2 percent. From January to March, the total profit of industrial enterprises above designated size nationwide reached 1,505.5 billion yuan, up 4.3% year on year.

2. The service sector has continued to recover
In April, the national service sector production index increased by 3.5% year on year. By industry, the production indexes of information transmission, software and information technology services, leasing and business services, finance, transportation, storage and postal services increased by 10.8%, 6.1%, 5.4% and 4.3%, respectively, reaching 7.3,2.6,1.9 and 0.8 percentage points faster than the service industry production index, respectively. From January to April, the country's service sector production index grew by 5.0% year on year. From January to March, the operating revenue of service enterprises above designated size increased by 8.5% year on year. In April, the services sector business activity index was 50.3%, and the services sector business activity expectations index was 57.4%. Among them, the business activity index of railway transportation, road transportation, postal service, telecommunications, radio and television, and satellite transmission services is located in the high business range of over 55.0%.

3. Market sales kept growing
In April, the total retail sales of consumer goods reached 3.569.9 billion yuan, up 2.3% year on year; with a month-on-month growth of 0.03%. By location, the retail sales of urban consumer goods reached 3.102.6 billion yuan, up 2.1% year on year; the retail sales of rural consumer goods reached 467.3 billion yuan, up 3.5%. By consumption type, the retail sales of goods was 3.1784 billion yuan, up 2.0%; the catering revenue was 391.5 billion yuan, up 4.4%. The sales of basic living products and some upgraded commodities grew rapidly. The retail sales of communication equipment for units above designated size, sports, entertainment products, grain, oil, food, and beverage commodities increased by 13.3%, 12.7%, 8.5% and 6.4%, respectively. From January to April, the total retail sales of consumer goods reached 15,602.6 trillion yuan, up 4.1% year on year. China's online retail sales reached 4.411 billion yuan, up 11.5 percent year on year. Of this, the online retail sales of physical goods reached 3.7356 billion yuan, up 11.1%, accounting for 23.9% of the total retail sales of consumer goods. In the January-April period, retail sales of services rose 8.4 percent year on year.

4. Investment in fixed assets was expanded
High-tech industry investment growth rapidly from January to April, the national fixed asset investment (excluding rural households) was 14.4401 billion yuan, up 4.2% year on year; excluding the real estate development investment, the national fixed asset investment increased by 8.9%. By sector, investment in infrastructure increased by 6.0%, investment in manufacturing increased by 9.7%, and investment in real estate development decreased by 9.8%. The sales area of newly built commercial housing was 292.52 million square meters, down 20.2% year on year; the sales volume of new commercial housing was 2806.7 billion yuan, down 28.3%. By industry, the investment in the primary industry increased by 1.9%, the secondary industry by 13.0%, and the tertiary industry by 0.3%.Private investment increased by 0.3%; excluding investment in real estate development, private investment increased by 7.2%. Investment in high-tech industries increased by 11.1% year on year, of which investment in high-tech manufacturing and high-tech services increased by 9.7% and 14.5%, respectively. In the high-tech manufacturing industry, investment in aviation, spacecraft and equipment manufacturing and computer and office equipment manufacturing increased by 49.6% and 10.2% respectively; in the high-tech services, investment in e-commerce services and information services increased by 27.6% and 19.9% respectively. In April, fixed-asset investment (excluding rural households) fell by 0.03% month-on-month.

5. The import and export of goods increased rapidly
In April, the total volume of imports and exports of goods reached 3.638.9 billion yuan, up 8.0% year on year. Of this amount, the export was 2,076.2 billion yuan, up 5.1%; the import was 1,562.7 billion yuan, up 12.2%. Imports and exports offset with a trade surplus of 513.5 billion yuan. From January to April, the total amount of imports and exports of goods reached 1.38053 trillion yuan, up 5.7%. Of this, the export was 7811.3 billion yuan, up 4.9%; the import was 5994 billion yuan, up 6.8%. From January to April, the imports and exports of general trade increased by 5.3%, accounting for 65.1% of the total imports and exports. The import and export of private enterprises increased by 10.7%, accounting for 54.6% of the total import and export volume, 2.5 percentage points higher than the same period of last year. Exports of mechanical and electrical products increased by 6.9%, accounting for 59.2% of the total exports.

6. The overall employment situation is stable
The surveyed urban unemployment rate fell from January to April, and the average surveyed urban unemployment rate was 5.2 percent, down 0.2 percentage points from the same period of last year. In April, the surveyed urban unemployment rate stood at 5.0 percent, down 0.2 percentage points from the previous month and the previous year. The surveyed unemployment rate of local registered labor force is 5.1%; the surveyed unemployment rate of migrant workers is 4.9%, and the surveyed unemployment rate of migrant agricultural registered labor force is 4.5%. The surveyed urban unemployment rate in 31 major cities was 5.0 percent. The average weekly working time of employees in enterprises nationwide is 48.5 hours.

7. The year-on-year increase in consumer prices rose steadily, while the year-on-year decline in producer prices narrowed
In April, the national consumer price index (CPI) rose 0.3% year on year, 0.2 percentage points higher than the previous month; 0.1% month on month, down 1.0% in the previous month. By category, the prices of food, tobacco and alcohol fell by 1.4% year on year, clothing prices rose by 1.6%, housing prices by 0.2%, daily necessities and services by 1.4%, transportation and communication prices by 0.1%, education, culture and entertainment by 1.8%, medical care by 1.6%, and other supplies and services by 3.8%. Among the prices of food, tobacco and alcohol, fresh fruit prices fell 9.7 percent, grain prices rose 0.5 percent, fresh vegetables prices rose 1.3 percent and pork prices rose 1.4 percent. Excluding food and energy prices, the core CPI rose 0.7 percent year on year, 0.1 percentage point higher than the previous month. From January to April, China's consumer prices rose by 0.1 percent year on year. In April, the national producer price fell by 2.5% year on year, 0.3 percentage points less than the previous month; by 0.2%. The purchase price of industrial producers fell by 3.0% year-on year and 0.3% month-on-month. From January to April, producer prices and purchase prices fell by 2.7 percent and 3.3 percent, respectively, year-on year. Overall, the national economy running smoothly in April, although some indicators by the holiday wrong month, the same year base higher growth has slowed, but industry, export, employment, prices and main indicators such as overall improvement, the new kinetic energy maintain rapid growth, the national economy continues to rebound momentum, positive factors accumulated. On the other hand, we must recognize that the external environment is significantly more complex, severe and uncertain, and the economy still faces many difficulties and challenges despite its sustained recovery and improvement. The next stage, to adhere to xi jinping, the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics as a guide, fully implement the conference spirit of the political bureau of the central committee, adhere to seek improvement in stability work always tone, complete, accurate, fully implement the new development concept, speed up the construction of new development pattern, strive to promote the development of high quality, top power effectively implement the macro policy, consolidate and strengthen the economic recovery momentum, continue to promote economic implementation effective quality and quantity of reasonable growth.